Course: Design of Content Management System
Max: 80 Marks
Q.1 Explain the significance of Drupal as an open-source Content Management System (CMS) for creating digital experiences. Highlight its key features that make it a preferred choice for global enterprises and various organizations 5 Marks, CO1
Q.2 Explain the advantages of using Drupal as a content management system, focusing on its community, accessibility commitment, and platform robustness 5 Marks, CO1
Q.3 Discuss the drawbacks of using Drupal as a Content Management System (CMS) in terms of security, user-friendliness, customization, support, and scalability. 5 Marks, CO2
Q.4 Explain the foundational architecture of Drupal in terms of its core components and their interdependencies. How does the DrupalKernel and Components contribute to the overall structure of the system? Provide a brief overview of the relationship between Core Modules and Subsystems, highlighting their dependence on the Kernel and Components. Finally, mention where one can find detailed information about Drupal core APIs. 5 Marks, CO2
Q5. Explain the significance of the base-level directories in a Drupal 8 installation. Provide brief overview of each directory and its purpose in organizing a content manag system. 5 Marks, CO3
Q.6 Explain the significance of the directory structure in a Content Management Sy (CMS) like Drupal, with a focus on the directories /profile, /sites/domain default)/(modates, themes), /site/domain OR default/files, themes, and vend How does this structure contribute to the functionality and organization of a Drupal-bue website? 5 Marks, CO3
Q.7 Explain how Drupal ensures security in its content management system. Discuss the key features and practices that contribute to Drupal’s robust security measures 5 Marks, CO3
Q.8 Why is it important to regularly update your Drupal website and its modules for ensuring security? Provide an example of a security breach that targeted outdated Drupal versions 5 Marks, CO2
Q.9 Explain the significance of the “Help’ button on the ‘Extend page of a content managemen system module, How does it relate to module configuration, and what information can users typically find on this page? 5 Marks, CO5
Q.10 Where are the different places in which help and explanatory texts of a module can be displayed to users within a content management system? Explain each of these places briefly 5 Marks, CO5
Q.11 What is the purpose of the short description in a Drupal module’s info file, and where is it displayed? Provide an example of a short description following the recommended format. 5 Marks, CO7
Q.12 Explain the key components that should be included on a project page to ensure its helpfulness for users exploring a content management system module, theme, or installation profile. Provide a detailed overview of the necessary information and sections that need to be present on the project page. 5 Marks, CO5
Q.13 Explain the significance of usability testing for websites in the context of designing a content management system. Highlight at least three benefits of incorporating usability testing throughout the development process. 5 Marks, CO6
Q.14 Explain why the following methods/tools are not considered usability testing tools in the context of evaluating the functionality of a product:
- A/B testing
- Focus groups
- Surveys
- Heatmaps
- User acceptance testing
- In-house proper use testing 5 Marks, CO6
Q.15 Explain the circumstances under which usability testing is conducted in the design of a content management system. Provide examples of scenarios where usability testing is applicable and when it is not. 5 Marks, CO6
Q.16 Explain the process of creating a custom module in Drupal. Provide a step-by-step guide along with the key components involved in the process. 10 Marks, COL, CO2, C07
Course: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Max: 80 Marks
Q.1 a) Discuss the use of Big Omega notation for time complexity analysis of algorithims 5 Marks, CO1
b) Apply matrix chain multiplication to find minimum number of scalar multiplications required for N-4, arr (6, 10, 3, 50) 5 Marks, CO2
c) What is N-queen’s problem ? Show that there is no solution to the 2-queens problem. 2 Marks, CO3
Q.2 a) Explain Hamiltonian cycle with suitable example and explain the term articulation point and pendant vertices. 5 Marks, CO3
b) Discuss the different cases of the time complexity of an algorithm. Explain these cases with reference to linear search algorithm. 5 Marks, CO1
c) Arrange the following order of notations in descending order - 0(1), 0(2^n), O(log n), O(n²), O(n) 2 Marks, CO2
Q.3 a) Compare the difference between Greedy Programming and Dynamic Programming. 5 Marks, CO2
b) Let the weights given arr (5, 6. 2, 8,3) and m-10, Draw the state space tree for the above problem to find all subsets that sum to 10. 5 Marks, CO3
c) State the difference between 0/1 and Fractional Knapsack Problem. 2 Marks, CO4
Q.4 a) What is bounding function? Explain the branch and bound and LIFO search. 5 Marks, CO4
b) Explain the optimization problem and decision problem. Identify the problem whether it is optimization problem or decision problem- Whether a given graph can be colored by only 4-colors?” Justify your answer. 5 Marks, CO
c) What is the concurrent processing? 2 Marks, CO
Q.5 a) Discuss the requirements of mutual exclusion algorithm. 5 Marks, CO6 b) Draw the portion of the state space tree generated by LCBB for the knapsack problem instance given by w(6, 10, 9, 15) and p (8, 2, 1,5) where 04 and m-25 5 Marks, CO4
c) Which are the two main measures for the efficiency of an algorithm? 2 Marks, CO1
Q.6 a) Explain NP-complete class of complexity of algorithm. 5 Marks, CO5
b) Explain the lock based concurrency. 5 Marks, CO6
c) Define the term-E-node and dead node. 2 Marks, CO4
a) Find the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) using Kruskal’s algorithm-
5 Marks, CO2
b) Explain the concept of vertex colouring with suitable example. 5 Marks, CO2
c) Identify the problem name from the following statements. i) Aniket a student of Symbiosis University want to field visit to a company in Vimannagar area. There are multiple routes are available to reach Vimannagar from his University Campus. Which route the student has to select?
ii) Mr. Rushikesh wants to fly Singapore with some luggage. But he has limitation of his bag weightage of only 80kg. Which items he has to carry with him? 2 Marks, CO2
Course: Research Methodology
Max: 40 Marks
Q.1 Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative research. Also, give one example of each. 5 Marks, CO1
Q.2 Case Study: An automobile company is launching its new add-on fuel, which may enhance the performance of vehicle in terms of speed. There may be some other factors also which can affect speed such as, engine type, road conditions etc. You have to: a) Propose conceptual model 5 Marks, CO5
b) Suggest sampling technique 5 Marks, CO3
c) Suggest appropriate statistical tests, which are applicable 5 Marks, CO4
Q.3 Write short Notes on: a) Probability sampling methods 5 Marks, CO5
b) Research Hypothesis 5 Marks, CO2
Course: Introduction to Python
Max: 40 Marks
Q.1 How do you access values in a dictionary? Give example. Are the keys and values in a dictionary be of different data types? Write a Python program that performs the following actions for managing Employee records:
a) Create an empty dictionary called emp_records
b) Allow the user to input the details of ten employees one by one, name, salary and designation
c) Use the name of each employee as a key in the dictionary and store their salary and designation as a tuple value.
d) Print the emp_records
e) Allow the user to search for an employee by name and display their details (salary and designation) if found.
f) Calculate and print the average salary of all the employees in the records
Find the employee with the highest salary and print their details.
10 Marks, CO2, CO3, CO4
Q.2 What are the 5 ways to delete items from a list? Explain each with an example, What are the disadvantages of List over Tuple (write any 5) 10 Marks, CO1, CO5
Q.3 Write a Python program that performs the following operations on a given input string a) Print the length of the string b) Print the string in uppercase. c) Print the string in lowercase. d) Count the number of vowels in the string e) Count the number of consonants in the string f) Reverse the string g) Print total number of words in the string h) Capitalizes the first letter of each word in the string i) Replaces all vowels (a, e, i, o, u) with the character ‘Z’ in the string j) Check if the string is a palindrome. 10 Marks, CO1, CO5
Q.4 Write a Python program to calculate and display the sum of the series 1^2+2^2+3^2+ … +n^2 through user defined function. 10 Marks, CO2, CO3, CO4
Course: Best Programming Practices
Max: 40 Marks
Q.1 What is documentation of code in programming? How do you write a documented code? 10 Marks, CO3
Q.2 Explain offensive programming and techniques in information security in defensive programming? 10 Marks, CO2
Q.3 What are the three types of software architecture? Explain each architecture. 10 Marks, CO1
Q.4 Explain best approach in design pattern and Factory method and Decorator pattern. 10 Marks, CO6
Q.5 What are the best practices for self-documenting code? Explain five tips to make your code self-documenting. 10 Marks, CO4, CO5
Course: Introduction to Operating System
Max: 40 Marks
Q.1 Discuss with example, the I/O Device Management and File Management module of the Operating System. 10 Marks, CO1, CO3
Q.2 What is a system call? Explain different system calls used for process control. 10 Marks, CO2
Q.3 Write and explain different steps carried out by a system while booting. 10 Marks, CO3
Q.4 Draw a diagram of Linux kernel architecture and explain it. 10 Marks, CO4
Q.3 Write syntax for the following Linux commands and explain them. (Any Five)
a) mkdir
b) date
c) cat
d) Is
e) pwd
f) man
each 2 Marks, CO5
Course: Cyber Security
Max: 40 Marks
Q.1 Differentiate between multilevel and multilateral security. 5 Marks, CO3
Q.2 What is mean by BOTNET? 5 Marks, CO1
Q.3 Explain Cyber law in India.
5 Marks, CO2
Q.4 Write a note on encryption mechanisms: ceaser cipher. 5 Marks, CO4
Q.5 What is meant by system security? 5 Marks, CO3
Q.6 Why Critical Infrastructure and Cyber Security is required explain with example? 5 Marks, CO1
Q.7 Explain software patenting 5 Marks, CO2
Q.8 Why End-end security is needed explain in detailed. 5 Marks, CO4
Course: Relational Database Management System
Max: 60 Marks
Q.1 Answer the following questions. (Any THREE)
A) UPS prides itself on having up-to-date information on the processing and current location of each shipped item. To do this, UPS relies on a company-wide information system Shipped items are the heart of the UPS product tracking information system. Shipped items can be characterized by item number (unique), weight, dimensions, insurance amount, destination, and final delivery date. Shipped items are received into the UPS system at a single retail center. Retail centers are characterized by their type, uniquelD, and address. Shipped items make their way to their destination via one or more standard UPS transportation events (ie., flights, truck deliveries). These transportation events are characterized by a unique schedule Number, a type (eg. flight, truck), and a delivery Route.
Draw an Entity Relationship diagram that captures this information about the UPS system. Be certain to indicate identifiers and cardinality constraints.
B) Consider the relational database and write a relational algebraic query for each of the following:
branch(branch name, branch city, assets)
customer(customer name, customer street, customer city)** names may not be
loan(loan number, branch name, amount) ** assume that loan numbers are across all branches
borrower customer name, loan number)
account(account number, branch name, balance)
depositor(customer name, account number)
Foreign Keys:
- loan and account have foreign key branch name for branch.
- borrower has foreign key loan number for loan.
- depositor has foreign key account number for account. i. Find the names of all branches located in ‘Chicago”. ii. Find the names of all borrowers who have a loan in branch ‘Down-town”. iii. Find all loan numbers with a loan value greater than 6000.
C) Check whether the following schedule is conflict serializable.
D) Consider the relational database given below: ```
Employee (emp_name, street, city, state)
Works (emp_name, company name, city, salary)
Company (company_name, city)
Manager (emp_name, maanger_name)
Write a SQL query for each of the following: (ANY FOUR)
i. Find the emp_name
, street and cities of residence of employees whose salary exists in between 10000 and 20000 and work for ABC Ltd.
ii. Find the names of employees who don’t work for ABC Ltd.
iii. Find all employees in database who earn more than each employee of Central Bank
iv. Find the company that has the smallest salary payout
v. List the name of employees who belong to Maharashtra state, sort on city